Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I wish everyone a happy 2010!! :D

orientation day in cedar.

Hey everyone, this is the cedar uniform. :) you'll have to turn your head to see the pictures.(sorry about that)

short post for today.sorry.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Today i went to report to cedar girls secondary school for registration. I was the one from stamford there. :((

A lot of Stamfordains went Beatty and Balestier Hill. All starts with B. zzzzzz.......... anyway, i reached cedar girl's too early in the morning and there was hardly anyone there.

And the aggregate is 246 to 267. 319 pupils were recurited into the cedar family. The cedar uniform was quite nice and so was the PE t-shirt. Cedar even had a programme involving the use of labtops too.It's quite fun..... i guess.

Anyways i wish all my fellow stamfordians good luck for their secondary school! :D

Sunday, December 13, 2009

i feel that life is unfair. But its a fact. It is. life sometimes isn't so perfect and happens to go in a way I do not expect it to happen. But its a good thing too. I have to do something about it and solve the problem. And, i can learn from past mistakes so that i would not make the same mistake again.

i also learnt that laughter is the best medicine. Also that when you sneeze, every organ in your body, even your heart, stop functioning for the brief moment.i'm not so sure if it is true, but, i read it from a book.
today my mother forgot to lock the computer and labtop. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Its the holidays! my mother locked the computer and labtop up. :( Today, i could use it for 30 min. Now i find facebook boring and blogging fun! My brother just started keeping fishes again.

this post will now self-destruct. Beware! Danger!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today psle results were released!!!!! i cant believe i got so high. i thought my ear got problem.
yayayayayayayay!!!!!! :)))))))))))) :DDDDDD 2A and 2A*! first time i got so high!!
last week i went to botanic gardens and got bitten by a dog.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

End of the year is is graduation...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I love Lady Gaga's voice!!!!
My new blog! All hail lady Gaga!!Lady Gaga rocks! :))) :D

Monday, October 12, 2009

psle is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

4 more days to psle...

these are the pics i went to the singapore flyer...

nice F1 car!
not enough time to publish all now....

Sunday, September 13, 2009

hello everyone, i've just been to the singapore flyer again.Its quite scary up there u know.I've not been to my blog for some time,cos i've joined,FACEBOOK!I like it 100 times more than blogger!

Monday, July 27, 2009

psle is coming!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

hello hello, i'm back!It's very stressful this year.
With PSLE round the coner.....Wah!! i cannot stand it anymore!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

today mrs the nag and nag...
she also say cut down on the computer......
but, i cant resist blogging!!!!!!:)
PSLE is very important to me though.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

the holidays are almost over! PSLE is coming too! HELP!!!!!
Better work harder!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!i didnt really enjoy the holidays
too. in fact, i got a huge headache.....

Thursday, June 11, 2009

im not being a racist but these songs are good.

Sorry for the inconvinence.
I found these videos on tv and thought they were good. then, i found out that they were from....................................Fahrenheit........................................................................................
hello hello its the holidays! and i finally got a Macdonalds cup!YEAH!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

HaHa! Today after remedial is harmonica lesson. I blew until i had no breath left.

After that,I wanted to go to Macdonalds because i wanted the cup. Natalie accompanied me.
Then, the Bugis Macdonalds sold out all their cups!!!!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! What a waste of effort!!!!I should have gone to the one at Kelantan!It is much closer and there were lesser people there.

But, i went to the Mac at bugis because natalie's bus stop is there.
We took a tour. HaHa!We walked to Rafflles hospital then go to the MRT underpass then go to a Macdonald restaurant.......
............And then we fould out that the Macdonald had sold their cups out.Never mind, I thought.There is still another Macdonald restaurant at Bugis....
.............And when we got there, there was even more people than usual, and of course the cups were sold out too.Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never mind, i can still go another day. By the way, they are changing into purple cups tomorrow.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Finally i hav a new blogskin.I'll update it soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It'snt the ledgend song nice??I like the korean song very much.
You should watch the show too. Pity it isn't the full song. :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The exams are coming!!
so is the ICAS paper!
I think that it's going to be hard...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

5 things bothering me today...

1.Getting 2nd in sports day and not 1st

2.losing to patricia cause i run too slow

3.Shiqi running too slow

4.Green house getting last

5.Red house getting so many medals


Sunday, March 29, 2009

hello everyone, i really must get the malacca pics loaded soon.

i try and get the sarrabudeen dancing video ,kennedy's eating something pic and

more loaded soon... ...i wonder if you saw sarrabudeen doing a handsome pose before.

i showed the video during higher english to uzma and the rest also saw a bit of it.

but sometimes uploading the video is not successfull......

Thursday, March 19, 2009

hello everyone, my father took me to the singapore flyer last sunday.

here are some pics...

toy cars huh?

look at that! can you see the school opposite stamford?
There are more pics but i will show all of you later.Coming soon...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

hello everyone, its nice to be back.Ms Seah came back to 6/1 to relieve mrs the and i am so happy to see her.i hadn't seen her for a long time.haha.She changed hairstyle. I think her old hairstyle is nicer.haha

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Owen fought with Mega yesterday! (2 times in fact) the whole 6/1 was screaming for mega to stop.Melanine heard mega say that owen is so small size, so she told owen that mega said that.Then the fight started .Owen pulled mega's cheeks and mega tried to defend himself by pushing away owen's face.Mrs lim yeo had to use all her entire strength to push owen away.
Owen then said:you watch out. then downstairs we were about to go for swimming,then Mr visshal call them to apologise,and another fight started.Mr visshal then pulled them away and marched them to the office.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

All of you know that mrs the left 6/1 for 3 weeks and mrs wong took over right?I think mrs wong's charater is like mrs the's.Only the teaching style is different.I also suspect that ms tan li peng birthday is on 25 nov.I must check out.haha!
Tengfei fell down and sparined his ankle or leg.I'm not very sure.And he still pretends that it was nothing!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

hello hello everyone,i am very bored.............
everything's same as usual............

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Chinese New Year 2009!!!!!!
Happy year!!!!!!!!!!