Wednesday, June 3, 2009

HaHa! Today after remedial is harmonica lesson. I blew until i had no breath left.

After that,I wanted to go to Macdonalds because i wanted the cup. Natalie accompanied me.
Then, the Bugis Macdonalds sold out all their cups!!!!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! What a waste of effort!!!!I should have gone to the one at Kelantan!It is much closer and there were lesser people there.

But, i went to the Mac at bugis because natalie's bus stop is there.
We took a tour. HaHa!We walked to Rafflles hospital then go to the MRT underpass then go to a Macdonald restaurant.......
............And then we fould out that the Macdonald had sold their cups out.Never mind, I thought.There is still another Macdonald restaurant at Bugis....
.............And when we got there, there was even more people than usual, and of course the cups were sold out too.Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never mind, i can still go another day. By the way, they are changing into purple cups tomorrow.

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